Mutation refers to the process of altering the state or value of a variable, object, or data structure after it has been created. In Go, mutation is a common concept, especially in data structures like slices, maps, and structs. Go provides mechanisms to perform mutations while also emphasizing immutability in certain contexts (like strings).
Mutable vs. Immutable Data in Go
- Mutable Data: Data that can be changed after it is created. Examples include slices, maps, structs, and pointers.
- Immutable Data: Data that cannot be changed once created. For example, strings and constants.
Mutation of Slices
Slices are references to an underlying array. Mutating a slice affects the underlying array.
Example: Mutating a Slice
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
nums := []int{1, 2, 3}
fmt.Println("Before mutation:", nums)
nums[0] = 10 // Mutating the first element
fmt.Println("After mutation:", nums)
Before mutation: [1 2 3]
After mutation: [10 2 3]
Key Points:
- A slice's elements can be modified directly.
- Appending to a slice (
) may create a new underlying array if the capacity is exceeded, but mutations on existing elements will still affect the original data.
Mutation of Maps
Maps are inherently mutable in Go. Adding, updating, or deleting keys changes the map in place.
Example: Mutating a Map
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
scores := map[string]int{"Alice": 90, "Bob": 85}
fmt.Println("Before mutation:", scores)
// Adding a new key-value pair
scores["Charlie"] = 92
// Updating an existing key
scores["Alice"] = 95
// Deleting a key
delete(scores, "Bob")
fmt.Println("After mutation:", scores)
Before mutation: map[Alice:90 Bob:85]
After mutation: map[Alice:95 Charlie:92]
Key Points:
- Maps are always passed by reference.
- Mutating a map in one function affects the original map in the calling function.
Mutation of Structs
Struct fields can be mutated if they are accessed directly, or through pointers.
Example: Mutating Struct Fields
package main
import "fmt"
type Person struct {
Name string
Age int
func main() {
p := Person{Name: "John", Age: 30}
fmt.Println("Before mutation:", p)
// Direct mutation
p.Name = "Alice"
// Pointer-based mutation
mutateAge(&p, 35)
fmt.Println("After mutation:", p)
func mutateAge(person *Person, newAge int) {
person.Age = newAge
Before mutation: {John 30}
After mutation: {Alice 35}
Key Points:
- Struct fields are mutable by default.
- Passing a pointer to a struct allows the function to mutate its fields.
Strings in Go (Immutable)
Strings in Go are immutable. Any operation that seems to "change" a string actually creates a new string.
Example: String Mutation (Incorrect)
str := "Hello"
str[0] = 'h' // Compilation error: cannot assign to str[0]
Example: Creating a New String
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
str := "Hello"
mutatedStr := "h" + str[1:] // Create a new string
fmt.Println(mutatedStr) // Output: "hello"
Key Points:
- Strings cannot be modified in place.
- To "mutate" a string, create a new string using operations like concatenation or slicing.
Mutation with Pointers
Pointers allow for direct mutation of variables by referencing their memory addresses.
Example: Mutating a Value via Pointer
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
x := 10
fmt.Println("Before mutation:", x)
fmt.Println("After mutation:", x)
func mutate(num *int) {
*num = 20 // Dereference pointer to mutate value
Before mutation: 10
After mutation: 20
Key Points:
- Pointers enable mutation of variables outside their original scope.
- Care must be taken to avoid unintended side effects when sharing pointers.
Mutation in Channels
Channels are used to communicate between goroutines, and the data sent through a channel is immutable (copies are sent). However, if you send a reference type (like a slice or a pointer), the referenced data can still be mutated.
Example: Mutating Data Passed Through Channels
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
ch := make(chan []int)
nums := []int{1, 2, 3}
go func() {
nums[0] = 42 // Mutate the slice
ch <- nums // Send the mutated slice
result := <-ch
fmt.Println(result) // Output: [42 2 3]
Key Points:
- Data passed through channels is immutable if it’s a value type (like integers or structs).
- If you pass a reference type (like slices or pointers), the data can still be mutated.
Concurrent Mutation
Go provides synchronization primitives (like sync.Mutex
) to handle concurrent mutation of shared data.
Example: Protecting Shared Data
package main
import (
func main() {
var count int
var mu sync.Mutex
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
count++ // Safely mutate shared variable
fmt.Println("Final count:", count)
Key Points:
- Use
to protect shared mutable data in concurrent programs. - Avoid race conditions by synchronizing access to shared variables.
Best Practices for Mutation in Go
- Minimize Mutation: Prefer immutable data structures where possible to avoid unintended side effects.
- Use Pointers Wisely: Only pass pointers when necessary, as they can introduce complexity and side effects.
- Document Mutations: Clearly indicate functions or methods that perform mutations.
- Handle Concurrency Carefully: Use synchronization mechanisms like
or atomic operations to avoid race conditions. - Immutable Alternatives: When working with strings or immutable data, prefer creating new instances rather than attempting mutations.