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What is JSX?

  • JSX (JavaScript XML) is a syntax extension for JavaScript used in React. It allows developers to write HTML-like code directly in JavaScript, making it easier to define the structure of the UI and improving the readability of React components.
  • JSX is not valid JavaScript; it is a syntactic sugar that is compiled into JavaScript using tools like Babel. Under the hood, JSX transforms into calls to React's React.createElement() method.

Features of JSX

  1. HTML-Like Syntax:

    • JSX looks like HTML but can embed JavaScript expressions inside {}.
    • Example:
      const element = <h1>Hello, {}!</h1>;
  2. JavaScript Integration:

    • JSX supports embedding JavaScript expressions, loops, conditionals, and functions.
    • Example:
      const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4];
      const listItems = => <li key={number}>{number}</li>);
  3. Component Rendering:

    • JSX is used to render React components, allowing developers to nest components inside one another.

    • Example:

      function Welcome(props) {
      return <h1>Hello, {}</h1>;

      const element = <Welcome name="Abhishek" />;
  4. Attribute Handling:

    • Attributes in JSX resemble HTML but are camelCased for consistency with JavaScript conventions. For example, class in HTML becomes className in JSX, and onclick becomes onClick.
    • Example:
      const button = (
      <button className="btn-primary" onClick={handleClick}>
      Click Me
  5. JavaScript Functions and Expressions:

    • You can pass JavaScript functions, objects, and variables into JSX using {}.
    • Example:
      const style = { color: "blue", fontSize: 20 };
      const text = <p style={style}>This is styled text</p>;

How JSX is Transformed

  • JSX code is transformed into JavaScript using a transpiler like Babel. For instance:
    const element = <h1>Hello, World!</h1>;
    gets converted to:
    const element = React.createElement("h1", null, "Hello, World!");
  • React.createElement creates a virtual DOM representation of the element.

Advantages of JSX

  1. Improved Readability:
    • JSX allows developers to write UI code that is visually similar to HTML, making it more intuitive and easier to understand.
  2. Powerful JavaScript Integration:
    • You can use JavaScript's full power (e.g., functions, loops, conditionals) directly within JSX, providing flexibility in building dynamic UIs.
  3. Component Nesting:
    • JSX makes it easy to nest and compose components, promoting reusable and modular code.
  4. Static Analysis:
    • JSX allows tools like ESLint to statically analyze the code for syntax and accessibility issues.

Common JSX Rules and Best Practices

  1. Wrapping Elements:

    • JSX expressions must have a single root element. If you need to return multiple elements, wrap them in a parent element (e.g., <div>) or use React fragments (<>...</>).

      // Invalid JSX
      return (

      // Valid JSX
      return (
  2. JSX Expressions Must Be Closed:

    • All tags must be properly closed, including self-closing tags like <img />, <br />, or <input />.
  3. JavaScript Expressions in {}:

    • Use {} to embed JavaScript expressions inside JSX.
      const name = "Abhishek";
      const element = <h1>Hello, {name}</h1>;
  4. Class vs className:

    • Always use className instead of class for setting CSS classes in JSX.
      const button = <button className="btn-primary">Click Me</button>;
  5. Inline Styles:

    • Inline styles in JSX are specified as objects with camelCased property names.
      const style = { color: "red", backgroundColor: "yellow" };
      const element = <p style={style}>Styled Text</p>;
  6. Avoid Using String Literals for Props:

    • Pass strings inside quotes but avoid unnecessary wrapping of JavaScript expressions in {} when not needed.

      // Good
      const element = <input type="text" value="Hello" />;

      // Avoid
      const element = <input type="text" value={"Hello"} />;
  7. Key Attribute for Lists:

    • Always provide a key attribute when rendering lists to help React efficiently update the UI.
      const items = ["A", "B", "C"];
      const list =, index) => <li key={index}>{item}</li>);

Limitations of JSX

  1. Learning Curve:
    • JSX introduces a new syntax that might be unfamiliar to developers who are new to React or JavaScript.
  2. Tooling Dependency:
    • JSX requires transpilation, adding an extra step in the development process.
  3. Complexity in Large Components:
    • Large components with deeply nested JSX can become difficult to read and maintain. Breaking components into smaller pieces helps mitigate this.

JSX vs Traditional JavaScript

FeatureJSXTraditional JavaScript
SyntaxHTML-like with JavaScriptOnly JavaScript syntax
ReadabilityMore intuitive and declarativeVerbose for UI creation
TransformationCompiled to React.createElementNo transformation required